Online Platform for Young People to Enhance Legal Literacy has been Launched

November 10, 2020

To help young generation of Kyrgyzstan to enhance their legal literacy, the Association of Legal Clinics of Kyrgyzstan, with the initiative and support of the United Nations Development Programme and the UN Peacebuilding Fund, has developed a legal section for young people, where answers to the most frequently asked questions are collected. Anyone can get access to the legal platform at, in the section "Legal Issues".

This platform, based on the website of the Association of Legal Clinics of Kyrgyzstan, offers legal information directly related to young people, but providing it in a simplified, user-friendly language that is understandable to all. Also a Tab "Legal Aid" was developed, where everyone can find information of legal nature, in the form of questions and answers, divided into thematic clusters.

The Constitution, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Kyrgyz Republic, information from the websites of government agencies, international and national organizations that specialize in certain issues were used as sources for compiling the clusters.

The section consists of 11 clusters on the most relevant topics:

  • Stages of Growing Up
  • Educational issues
  • Bullying and violence
  • Property Rights
  • Family and marriage
  • Youth labour rights
  • Financial literacy
  • Juvenile justice
  • Cyber Security
  • Electoral law
  • Migration

"Initially this activity was initiated to address the problems of improving the legal culture of young people in the border areas, as it is often more difficult for such category of people to receive legal advice due to the remoteness from state centers of public services. Moreover, legal literacy and knowledge of legal mechanisms are one of the most significant criteria for reducing conflicts and strengthening youth social cohesion. Under the current conditions of social distance caused by the new coronavirus infection, the platform will be useful not only for the border region, but for all young people across the country in obtaining legal information". -  

Mukash Kaldarov, UNDP Project Coordinator.

The website of the Association of Legal Clinics of Kyrgyzstan was not chosen by chance for the development of a youth legal platform. This organization is engaged in projects on legal education: the development of legal clinics, advanced training of young lawyers and law students.

“Our organization has a long-standing experience in youth context. In our projects, we mainly involve law students, so we work with youth through youth. The idea of creating an online legal platform was also an initiative of young people. Earlier, we conducted a study, based on the results of which, we found out that there is a need to create a youth-friendly content on the laws and rights that local youth face every day." -

Nargiza Zhenisheva, author of the initiative.

Legal platform with illustrations was developed in the framework of the UN PBF project "Promoting Kyrgyzstan's Youth Cohesion and Interaction Towards Uzbekistan" in cooperation with the UN Development Programme and the Expert team from the Association of Legal Clinics of Kyrgyzstan.