How to protect children from HIV, tuberculosis and Covid-19

June 1, 2020

Brochures on how to protect children from Tuberculosis. Photo: Marion Biremon / UNDP Kyrgyzstan

UNDP / Global Fund project specialists share their advice on how to protect children from HIV, tuberculosis (TB) and Covid-19 infection. It’s essential to openly inform children about these diseases, their transmission and symptoms, to strengthen children’s immune systems and to timely seek medical help.

How to protect children from HIV?

 Learn more about HIV and how it is transmitted, so that you are able to answer your children’s questions

  • Tell your children about HIV yourself. There is a lot of wrong information circulating on Internet
  • Show the example by getting tested for HIV regularly
  • Regularly talk about the importance of health
  • Conduct sexual and reproductive education with your children
  • Create a relationship of trust between yourself and your children, so that they are not afraid to discuss their problems with you and ask you questions
  • Teach your children to be tolerant, by showing the example yourself

Young patient is taking pills at Republican TB Center. Photo: Marion Biremon / UNDP Kyrgyzstan

How to protect children from tuberculosis?

  • Tell your children about tuberculosis
  • Don’t refuse BCG vaccination (vaccination for TB)
  • Strengthen your children’s immune system by encouraging them to practice sports and eat healthy food
  • Take a yearly Mantoux test for early diagnosis (this is a skin test that allows to detect sensitivity and immune reaction to the introduction of tuberculin)
  • If your child has lost appetite, has a dry cough, has night sweats, seek medical help
  •  Let doctors know if yourchild was in contact with a person suffering from tuberculosis

How to protect children from Covid-19?

  • Wear a mask if you cough
  • Explain why hygiene is important and teach children how to correctly wash their hands
  • Practice social distancing
  • If you visit public places, use a mask, gloves and hand sanitizer
  • If you or your children have health issues, don’t self-treat
  • Respect all prevention measures for Covid-19
  • Strengthen your children’s immune system by encouraging them to practice sports and eat healthy food
  • Take care of yourself and your loved ones!