Review of public and private environmental expenditures in the Kyrgyz Republic

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Review of public and private environmental expenditures in the Kyrgyz Republic

December 12, 2019

The BIOFIN project offers a second analytical review of public and private environmental expenditures  (PPEER) with a focus on biodiversity and climate change adaptation measures in the Kyrgyz Republic.

This Public and Private Expenditure Review, as well as the first BIOFIN project study, Review of the Policy and Institutional Framework for Environmental Financing, covers broader environmental expenditure issues with a detailed focus on biodiversity and climate change financing. The review was prepared within the framework of the overall environmental policy assessment of the Kyrgyz Republic conducted by the UNDP Biodiversity Financing Initiative (BIOFIN) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and UNDP Poverty and Environment Initiative (PEI).

The document consists of four functional sections:

1. A summary of management outlining the main findings and recommendations of the Review.

2. A brief description of the methodology describing the scope of the PPEER. The costs and cost categories of the environment, biodiversity and related aspects of climate change are defined. It explains the budget classification of the Kyrgyz Republic. The methodology for determining the allocation of indirect costs is explained.

3. Results of the PPEER. This section presents macroeconomic and budgetary trends in the countries. Expenditures on the environment, biodiversity, and adaptation to climate change by agencies, donors, sectors, and categories are described. A brief description of private environmental expenditures is given on the basis of official data of the National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic. Problems and opportunities in the process of budgeting are identified (including the comparison of the analyzed expenditures with the declared state priorities and opportunities to improve efficiency). At the end of the section, the forecast of future expenditures on environment, biodiversity, and adaptation to climate change is given.

4. Conclusions and recommendations resulting from the work on the PPEER.