Methodological manual for trainers on the Guidelines on Promotion of Gender Equality in Kyrgyzstan

Methodological manual for trainers on the Guidelines on Promotion of Gender Equality in Kyrgyzstan

November 28, 2014

In 2007 UNDP with support of Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency/SIDA initiated “Promotion Women to Civil Service and Politics” Project to assist the Government of the KR in fulfilling international and national commitments to achievement of gender equality at decision making levels.

Important component of this project was “Gender aspects in civil service” trend aimed to introduce gender approaches in recruitment processes and public service procedures, increasing potential of civil and municipal employees on gender-conscious direction and gender-balanced civil service.

Within the framework of this component a special course was elaborated, including guidance on promoting gender equality and technical manual for trainers. The aim of these teaching materials is to increase awareness in matters of gender equality of civil and municipal employees, and in particularly people, who make decisions, to provide information on possible measures intended for reaching gender balance in civil service of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Target group for this Guidance supplemented with a technical manual for trainers is civil and municipal employees, students of Management Academy under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic, and also operations unit’s staff at different levels. 

Guidance on promoting gender equality and technical manual for trainers was prepared upon request of the Kyrgyz Government and UNDP Democratic Governance Programme by experts from Swedish Institute for Public Administration/SIPU, Ms. Margita Björklund and Mr. Tom Tunnell, and Ms. Marina Glushkova, national expert from Centre for Social Integration.

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